The Bridge Magazine
Club and Society meetings in and around Burford
This is the list of local clubs and societies. If you are involved in one, please contact the magazine editors to confirm and update the status of your club or society.
Astally Arms
Last Friday of the month
Memorial Hall Asthall Leigh
From 7.00 pm
Badminton Group
Monday nights. Friendly all abilities.
Burford School 8-10pm.
Kevin 704655 scareyradar@yahoo.co.uk
Burford Badminton Club
Tuesday nights 8-10pm
Burford School - fun, social, all abilities
Vijay 891043 vijaysmobile@gmail.com
Burford Crafters
3rd Wednesday of the month
Burford Library 2.30-3.30
Judith Butcher 01993 824194
Burford Trees care/planting
4th Sunday of the month
Community Allotment - Tanners Lane
Cub Scouts
Mondays (term time)
Scout Hut 6 - 7.30 pm
Mandy Bielby 07941 470465
Fulbrook & Burford WI (FaBWI)
Second Tuesday of every month
Burford Baptist Church Hall
Jennie Craven 07710 103015 thefabwi@oxfordshirewi.co.uk
Fulbrook Fitness Group
Thursday (wef Sept 2021)
Fulbrook Meeting Place 9am
Pat Ferrett 822892
North Cotswold Arts Assoc.
Every 2nd Wednesday
Warwick Hall
Pilates Class
Thursdays 9.30am. Suitable for men and women; Tuesdays 6.15pm - 7.15pm
Warwick Hall
Elizabeth www.wellnessity.co.uk 07932 981023
Rhyme Time
Friday 9.15-10.00 am Term Times
Burford Library (for under 5's)
Carol-Amy Holdcroft 823377
Rotary Burford & Kingham
The Burford Golf Club
John Smith 07717 883182
1st Tuesday of each month
Burford Library (free soft drinks)
The Arts Society Cotswolds
2nd Wed (not July/Aug)
Warwick Hall 11.00
Time Out
Monday 11.00am - 3pm lunch and afternoon tea
Warwick Hall inc games, bingo, singing, talks
John Harrington 822451 or Sue Sheppard 824729
Alcoholics Anonymous
Wednesdays 7.30pm; Fridays 1.00pm
Bradwell Village Hall
Patrick 0786 796 0716
BEAGles aka Burford Environment Action Group
Third Monday of the month
The Prince of Burford
Burford & District Society
Meet 7 times a year
Warwick Hall at 7.00pm
Bert Clough 07943 720668
Burford Bridge Club
Every Tuesday 5pm - 7pm
Warwick Hall
07831 301886 Amir Hashimi
Burford Town Bowls Club
Friendly Roll-up Mondays from 6.30
Bowls Club Tanners Lane
Jan Bolton 07547 633391 secretary@burfordbowlsclub.co.uk
Coffee and Company
Every Wednesday 10.30-12 midday
St John the Baptist Church
Diana Peters 01993 822785
Bradwell Village 7-9pm
Keith Money 01982 448295
Fulbrook Coffee am
Every 3rd Thursday
Fulbrook Meeting Place 10.30 - 12
Lyn Bibbings 823640
Horticultural Association
Fourth Thursday
Bowls Club - times vary
Janet Copley 01451 844210
Pickleball - fun, social sport
Mon 11-1pm, Thu 10-12pm, Fri 8-10pm
Charlbury Community Centre
Vijay 01993 891043 or vijaysmobile@gmail.com
Signpost - Coffee and Help
Every Wednesday in term time.
The Warwick Hall, Burford 10.00 - 12 midday
Opportunity to raise worries confidentially
The Wychwood Lodge of Freemasons
3rd Thursday Sept-April
The Masonic Hall 31 Sheep Street
Mike 868302 / Allan 822240 wychwood988@outlook.com
Windrush Film Nights
Last Saturday of the month
Windrush Village Hall
7.30pm windrushcinema@gmail.com Dan Boyle