The controversy over coach parking in Bourton-on- the Water may be reaching a conclusion. This started when the owner of the car park in the village, which gets huge numbers of visitors, decided to stop allpowing coaches to park there. This led to coaches stopping in the busy centre of the village to drop off passengers.
Gloucestershire Live reports that it has been agreed that instead passengers will disembark at the industrial estate next to the A429. Coaches can then wait at the Pulhams Coaches site until they are needed. In the longer term it is hoped to provide parking near the Cotswold School.
According to our calculations from Google Maps, the industrial estate is about three quarters of a mile from the centre of the village so this may not be universally popular.
At one time it was thought that the problem of parking in Bourton might lead to more coaches coming to Burford instead, which would be a good or bad thing depending on your point of view. Burford council is in the process of trying to limit the length of coaches parking in Priory Lane to 12 metres. There is no real connection between the two issues as Bourton's highways and parking are the responsibility of Gloucestershire County Council.
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Perhaps the term "coach parking hell" is a slight exaggeration?