Sunday 22 December
Carol service - Swinbrook church 11.00am
Carols by candlelight - Burford church 4.30pm and 7.30pm
Both services are followed by minced pies and mulled wine. To guarantee a seat, please book a free ticket at
Tuesday 24 December
Crib service - Burford church 4.00pm
Child-friendly retelling of the Christmas story
Carol service - Fulbrook church 4.00pm
Midnight Holy Communion - Asthall church 11.00pm
Wednesday 25 December
Traditional Holy Communion - Burford church 8.00am
Traditional Holy Communion - Fulbrook church 9.30am
All-age Christmas celebration followed by Holy Communion - Burford church 11.00am
Thursday 26 December
Carol service - Widford church 4.00pm