We have many dog lovers among our readers, and dogs make great pets. Man's best friend and all that (or perhaps we should say humanity's best friend these days). But they do give rise to complications. Or perhaps we should say that it is their owners who cause complications. Here are two that have arisen in recent days.
Dogs on the Rec - an old favourite
"Once again, we have received complaints from residents about dogs being allowed off the lead on the recreation ground. These are not minor complaints but involve aggression to both people and other dogs. We take this seriously.
There is adequate signage at all entrances to the recreation ground informing dog owners and walkers of the rule, so there is no excuse. As explained before, the rule is to protect both other users of the recreation ground and other dogs.
Dogs off the lead are not fully under the control of the owner; have been aggressive to both other owners, dogs and other children using the recreation ground, and we are seeing more dog excrement left. This can cause Toxocariasis, which can lead to blindness, and is a danger to children including the children using the football clubs who use the pitches. Also the council has to clear up.
Most owners and dog walkers are responsible and follow the rules for good reason. However, it only takes a few who don’t, and that seems to encourage others to follow their example.
I was shocked to receive a report that, within a week of the new play park opening, a group of people were sitting in the play area and allowing their dogs off the lead in the play park! Dogs are not allowed in the play area at all, let alone off the lead. We have now added more signage to the play park as a result, but that should not have been necessary.
So, dog owners and walkers, it is up to you. If you currently let your dogs off the lead, you know who you are. If you are a responsible owner or walker and follow the rules, please encourage others to do so. If this does not improve, council will consider whether to ban all dogs from the recreation ground, and access to Westfield for dog walking will only be from Tanners Lane car park. You are in the best position to ensure both your dog and other dogs are on their leads to ensure your freedom to walk your dogs on the recreation ground remains.
Please be socially responsible.
Peter Higgs - Mayor"
2. Dogs on the High Street
"The Burford Chamber of Trade have many complaints about dog owners who let their dogs pee on the front of every single shop in Burford High Street.
Not only is it only visitors who let their dogs foul but also some local dog owners too. Locals should be setting an example to visitors. Please may this be taken notice of as soon as possible. Since lockdown it seems to be compulsory to have a cup of coffee in one hand and a dog in the other. Please guide your dog along the gutter line, not along the shop line.
Many thanks from a very peed off Chamber of Trade.
Michael Taubenheim"